CCSD Message: Digital Learning Days - March 11-12, 2021
On behalf of the Superintendent, all CCSD schools will be closed for in-person learning on Thursday, March 11, and Friday, March 12, 2021 in order to administer COVID-19 vaccinations to CCSD employees. We understand this closing may create hardships, but it is the best way for our organization, in partnership with the Department of Public Health (DPH), to quickly vaccinate all interested CCSD employees as soon possible.
All CCSD in-person students will be expected to log on to the Canvas platform for daily instruction. Teachers and staff will report to campus and will be teaching online throughout the day and be available to answer emails during regular school hours. The exception to this will be the time when the teacher is receiving the vaccine; your child’s teacher(s) will let you know by Wednesday afternoon as to the time when they will be unavailable for this reason if applicable. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. The Superintendent expects all teachers to extend grace to students and parents during these two days, as we understand that one week’s notice may cause a struggle for arranging childcare.
Parents whose children do not have access to a laptop computer or internet access need to contact the school front office as soon as possible. School Nutrition will have free to-go meals for March 11 and 12 prepared for pick-up in the designated area of the school ( from 9 to 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 10; parents who would like to pick up these meals are asked to complete the online order form, which will be emailed to all parents on Monday morning and will be due by 8 a.m. Tuesday. Students do not have to be with parents who pick up these meals. Students who need to pick up medication or other items that they must have during this closure should call the school’s front office to arrange pick up. Specific extra-curricular activities will continue after school, and team coaches/club sponsors will communicate that information to students; there will not be After School Program at elementary schools.
DPH cannot yet inform us as to whether the vaccines will be two-dose or one-dose. If they are two-dose, we will need to again close schools for in-person learning to hold a vaccination drive, with the tentative date set of April 15 and 16. We will keep you informed.
Please continue to report your child’s positive test to their school; stay home when you’re sick (use this checklist:; get tested if you’re symptomatic or if you have had a close contact with someone who is positive; and if you are directed to quarantine, please follow the instructions and limit interaction with non-family members.