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CCSD Message: Fall Break

CCSD Message: Fall Break

Dear #CCSDfam,

We’re nearing the end of our seventh week of school with Fall Break ahead of us.  I hope this holiday allows our students and staff and all of their families time to rest, relax and recharge.

Whether you’re taking a vacation out of town or a staycation in Cherokee County, please keep your health and the health of your entire community in mind.

How we interact with others during the Fall Break will have a serious impact on our school operations and community as a whole.  The pandemic continues to impact our school operations, with three high schools on a hybrid schedule, students and staff at home on precautionary quarantines, and several high school athletic events postponed or cancelled.

More importantly, while the majority of the positive cases reported among our students and staff have not resulted in severe illness, there is always that possibility, and none of us want anyone to suffer the serious symptoms of this virus.  

We know that over Fall Break you will visit with family and friends, go to public events and places, and may travel out of town.  Please use good judgment and follow basic health guidance during this time: social distance, wear a mask whenever you cannot, and frequently wash your hands.  As much as we’d all love to return to life as normal, we’re not there yet, and we need to remember that.

Anyone who experiences symptoms (see the checklist at should get tested and quarantine while awaiting test results.  We ask that our students and staff members continue over Fall Break to report positive tests to their Principal – they will be checking their email regularly, and we will be communicating with the Department of Public Health and contact tracing.  

I’m incredibly proud of our entire community for all you have done to help keep in-person school open for our students.  Let’s finish this first semester strong!

Thank you for all you do,

Dr. Brian V. Hightower
Superintendent of Schools